Denkraum Deutschland II

Quantification set

Thomas Weinberger and Benjamin Zuber
„Quantification set“, 2018
flourescent tubes, cable, microcomputer, 600 x 500 cm
property of the artist
Photo: Thomas Weinberger


Denkraum Deutschland II

Pinakothek der Moderne | Kunst
Room 21


Artistic inquiry of any kind holds a mirror up to society and is an examination of difference in coexistence. In this, a laboratory of ideas, artists, designers, and architects approach this political dimension to art, design, and architecture and make it visible. The second edition of Denkraum focuses on the relationship between physical and digital reality. Following the model of Joseph Beuys’s participatory action space, the museum becomes a site of shared experience and open dialogue. Free Entry | The exact program will be announced in mid-September on and on